EC Consultation on the transition pathway for tourism - EUROCHAMBRES Position Paper


 The update of the EU Industrial Strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transition of EU industry and its ecosystems. It proposes cocreation with industry, public authorities, social partners and other stakeholders.

To initiate the co-creation process, the Commission prepared a staff working document outlining possible scenarios for a transition pathway toward a more resilient, sustainable and innovative tourism ecosystem, without however any mention to the insular dimension of this topic.

Stakeholders were then invited to reflect and contribute to the scenarios for 2030 and it is within this framework that Eurochambres drafted and contributed to the Consultation with a respective Position Paper listing key enablers for the transition of the tourism ecosystem and proposing concrete actions, commitments and investments at sectoral, national and regional levels. 

Herewith attached you will find Eurochambres Position paper including INSULEUR's contribution, which reflects and focuses on EU islands specific needs with respect to the 3 dimensions of the tourism ecosystem as developed in the EC staff working document.

Based on the input received, the EC will deepen and focus the debate with dedicated stakeholder workshops this autumn.
We will be keeping you posted on further developments, hoping that through our common intervention with ECH, the insular dimension will also be part of it.


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