
Feedback on Commission Regulation amending Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty

The State aid General Block Exemption Regulation ("GBER") declares specific categories of State aid compatible with Article 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU), if they fulfil certain conditions. Aid fulfilling these conditions is exempted from the requirement of prior notification and Commission approval. 

In its feedback, INSULEUR noted with satisfaction the proposed inclusion of Digital Innovation Hubs, which  represents an important step forward given the need for insular business entities to support and boost their digital transformation of both production and development processes of services and applications, especially those in the tourism and agricultural sectors. INSULEUR also noted that since many islands aspire to become
pioneers of sustainable tourism over the coming years, they are therefore backing the implementation of sustainable mobility practices, which may include also the conversion of the commercial fleets of rental car companies to electric vehicles; to this end it is important to note whether hybrid vehicles will be included in the GBER. The inclusion of hydrogen under the proposed Regulation is also an important development given the importance of the role of hydrogen in decarbonising EU islands and the ability of hydrogen & associated technologies to decarbonise islands, while generating jobs and growth needed for their economic recovery. For EU Islands, empowering citizens and small producers under the concept of Renewable (REDII) or Citizens (EMD) Energy Communities is also of outermost importance as it allows direct participation in the energy transition by jointly investing in, producing, selling and distributing renewable energy. INSULEUR also commented that  an important inclusion in this Regulation should be the assistance provided by the Governments to deploy new technologies on islands, prior to these being launched on a national level since they have proved to form ideal test beds for the deployment of new technologies.

> View full feedback HERE


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