
The Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union (INSULEUR) is a not-for-profit association set up in compliance with Greek law which oversees the close cooperation between insular Chambers of Commerce in the EU and aims to promote the economic and social development of islands in the EU.

The Network HQ is located in Chios (Greece) and its articles of association have been deposited at the Court of the same city.

In addition to the ordinary members (the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, as well as certain heads of national networks committed to the development of insular regions), any legal entity whose main aim is the development of insular regions in the EU may be registered as a associate member of the Network.
The Network has permanent representation at European Union institutions in Brussels.

The aims of the Network are:

1) Ensuring collaboration between members so as to support insular regions in the European Union, fight isolation, highlight their specificities and formulate proposals to solve their problems.

2) Putting together an integrated policy for the development of its regions and closely collaborating in this aim with European institutions as well as with non-governmental organisations to implement this policy.

3) Encouraging initiatives, projects and perspectives on the economic development of insular regions in the European Union.

4) Drawing up a list of specific problems businesses in insular regions in the European Union face, studying them and submitting appropriate proposals.

5) Putting information and research activities into place to facilitate the aforementioned aims being carried out.

6) Undertaking any other activity that may contribute to these objectives being achieved.


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